Garden Walks   Open to the Public Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturday ( no public restrooms)

Based on Sacred Geometry, the gardens at SunRose Farm provide the perfect setting for Spritual Retreats.

Using The Elementals Workbook, visitors are guided on a healing, mediative walk through the gardens.

My first awareness that SunRose Farm was a magical place happened about 8 years ago while walking through the forest. It was a beautiful day and the Princess Pine were peeking there heads out from a blanket of snow. I bent over to touch one and as I did I heard a voice whisper “we’ve been waiting for you Sybil.” As you can imagine I was surprised, not really sure I was hearing correctly and if I were, what did it mean.

Since that encounter with the Princess Pine I have written the Elementals™ workbook, which uses Elementals Sacred Geometry as a journey to self discovery.

Then in 2007 during meditation I was guided to take the format of my workbook and make it into a living journey.

Each garden holds the energy of the grouping of sacred geometry that represents the Element of nature they hold. Two of the five gardens are completed.


"The Awakeng and Golden Spiral gardens remind me of a fairy godmother listening and reaching out to answer life's questions and heal life's hardships"
-Chery Anne Pelletier

Awakening Garden (The Garden of Wisdom) The All

Only in complete darkness can one understand the true meaning of Light…Channeled to Sybil Rose by White Eagle

This garden is designed in the shape of the Elementals Awakening Symbol. This sacred geometric design represents the Element of Ether. As you start your journey and walk, sit, breath, and meditate you will have the opportunity to awaken your senses and enter the stillness of your knowing heart. This is a garden of opportunity for you as you seek the answers to your deeply held questions. With an open heart, the energies of awakening can lead you on your own inner journey of Devine Wisdom.

The Golden Spiral Crystal Garden (The Garden of Healing) Represents the Elements of Earth

Your Greatest Power Lies within who you are...channeled to Sybil Rose by White Eagle.

This garden is designed using The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers which are found throughout nature and have inspired mathematicians, musicians, architects, scientists and mystics in the appreciation of the beauty of this Devine proportion. (1.61803399). As you walk the golden spiral into the center you will encounter the center crystal stone, a Snowy quartz which was uncovered on the farm in the summer of 2008. Surrounding this crystal are twelve other snowy quartz crystals that have also been found on the farm over the years, Through aligning oneself to the energies of these crystals the opportunity for stimulating your self healing process can begin. The geometric symbols represented in this Garden are found in the foundation series/earth in the workbook Elementals.

Snowy quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. It stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It harmonizes all chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. By Judy Hall


The Compassion Garden (The Garden of Clearing) Represents the Elements of Water

Holy are those who see and forgive their faults...channeled to Sybil Rose by White Eagle.

This garden is in the process of Creation. It will be a garden where one can be amongst the ferns and running water. The Geometric Symbols represented in this garden are found in the Release series/water in the workbook Elementals.

The other two gardens are starting to take geometric form in my meditations.


Steve and I invite you to SunRose Farm and join us for...


SunRose Farm | 495 Gilbert Stuart Road Saunderstown, RI 02874 | 401-295-4070